Saturday, March 26, 2011


Have you ever thought of us trapped in the Earth ?

Try to look out of the box, look at the EARTH from the above and we trapped inside, the same as rats trapped in a glass ball.
these rats can’t control themselves , can’t move, eat, drink, mate, communicate, or go out of the ball except by the permission of their owner.

The only way for these rats to get their supplies is through a tube connected to the ball from the outside, which deliver them whatever they need from their owner.

The same as the unborn baby inside his mother’s abdomen, and he eats & drinks through the tube connected to his mother’s abdomen.

Imagine if the tube connected to these rats in the glass ball, or the tube connected to the baby in his mother’s abdomen, is closed. There will be no life for the rats or for the baby.
And there will be NO WAY out, they won’t be able to do anything about it.

Can’t you see that we are similar to these rats in the glass ball, and similar to this baby in his mother’s abdomen!

We have NO one except ALLAH “Sob7ano”, HE is the only ONE who controls our lives. HE gives us his Mercy, if this mercy stopped, there will be no life for us.

And believe me we won’t be able to do anything about it, and there will be NO WAY out for us.

If this happen, where can we go?? هنهرب من ربنا هنروح فين ؟ … we are trapped inside the Earth, and even if we can go out of the Earth, we always did that by HIS permission.

So we have to admit that we have no ONE except ALLAH, to manage our lives in everything, money, food, success, marriage, everything… etc. إحنا ملناش غير الله

and it's better for us to follow ALLAH's order, or else HE will be upset from us , and cuts out HIS mercy.

And HE can do that very very very easy, with just one word. The same word ALLAH began our lives with, HE can end our lives, كن .

Can you tell me which is a Miracle, the creation of Jesus from one parent, or the creation of you ?
can you tell me what creation is harder ?

can you tell me what is harder the creation of an Elephant or the creation of an Ante ?

The answer is that ALL these creations are Miracles, and ALL are created with the same Word said by ALLAH, كن .

ALLAH has the ability to do any thing by this one word كن to create anything no matter the size, the ability, or the type of this thing. He did NOT use one كن for creating an Ante and 3 كن for creating an Elephant! , HE used the same word for creating everything.

سبحان الله القادر على كل شئ , يقول كن واحدة فيكون الشئ .

From ALLAH's Great MERCY on us that He gives us the chance to be better isA, so I am just reminding myself , and you to be more careful with our actions, and we Have to begin stopping anything against ALLAH's orders to us, hopping isA ربنا يرضى عنا جميعاً

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